Turban Hijab, Fashion Hijab The Practical and Fashionable

Dress styles are now increasingly prevalent loved women. Model grosir jilbab murah or hijab are now performed with a variety of interesting shapes, one of which models turban hijab.

Turban or essentially a cloth turban headdress worn by men in the Middle East region such as Pakistan and India. However , as the development of Muslim fashion in the world, turbans serve as a new trend was kept by women.

Indonesia Muslim fashion designer Errin Ugaru, says a new model unveiled turban because of its simple and easy to wear. “Turban is practical and lightweight making it legendary|succeeding in the|letting it|making it possible for|allowing it|this|enabling|allowing|making it very|allowing for} suitable for women who are just learning to use a scarf or long. ” Errin said when the mat Indonesia Muslim Sabuga Festival in London, Wednesday, January 30, 2013.

How to use the turban cloth with a knot or use it directly on the head. We have had many models on the market turban with a lot of choices. Starting from the model turban Bilqis, the ciput turban in design with lots of seams and full of wrinkles. There are also models and cross-stack model.

This type of material turbans also varied, ranging from jersey material, chiffon, semi knitting and others. Turban hijab synonymous with lightweight materials because it will make the wearer more comfortable like in grosir jilbab murah. “Turban rainbow florals and bright colors become one of the favorite models young hijaber. Usually the motifs are suitable for women who are active outdoors, ” said Errin.

Meanwhile, Muslim fashion designer Lia Soraya, said the turban is also suitable be applied to glamor and elegant style of mothers. “Turban can be used for the party. Example, combined with the creation ciput ninja bross lightweight materials and a long dress, ” says the designer who designed clothes for young mothers.

Inspiration hijab turban has now mushroomed use among adolescents and mothers. Yeyen Sofiani, hijaber from Bandung admitted very comfortable using a floral hijab turban with pastel colors. He often uses turban when service to the office or in everyday travel.



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